Friday, November 12, 2010

I Like Quoting Zack

I had a dream
the skyscrapers kept rising taller
all around me

I woke up in a tall building
the tallest in all the world it seemed like
the tallest woman on earth I felt like
but not much of a folk singer at all

and yes I am very much a Woman
I'm just stuck in a child-like search
less than three
is how much
i love
my book collection
my knitting supplies
the way the sun shines
through my curtains
whales, earrings, snacks

I'd rather be alone
than intimate with you

they stand just like
the terra cotta soldiers
in rows on the field
while men scream in their faces

these are children of my generation
being packed up
saran wrapped in submission

roll them out,
the new shipment,
on the hot desert floor
watch them burn.

nice girls don't stay for breakfast

several times each year
the favorite infection comes to visit
it loves the tonsils so
it brings gifts of gold, frankincense,
—and pus
the man at the pharmacy proffers dxm
—for free no less

diving into a sea of sweaters
feeling like death microwaved for 0:30
feeling like the most blessed of robots

fast food at the speed of 25 mph

the differences between
cats and people:

barely more barbaric
hardly less civilized

my cat also looks out
the window and thinks

red robin