Thursday, November 15, 2012

it's easy to live in a sentimental reality
assuming that everyone else is in love
with their significant other to the point
that even when they are acting
they are harboring a secret 
not-so-secret love for their spouse
little things tattooed on their fourth finger
airbrushed away when the curtain rises
back to thinking constantly
of coastlines and lights and a place
i’ve romanticized so much it hurts me
carves tunnels through me, drives
narrow roads with sharp turns

a warehouse i want
so badly to call a home


I won't answer.
But call.

"college activism at a school that is 30% Jewish"

sometimes most times things
happen so far away and they are
so important and you hear about them
all the way over here and really I hear the word
Zionist and it makes my bones shake but
today I am sick and my body is
achey from some virus instead of an
injustice and I want to care about my
own body for once

early worm birds, the get

once you start not sleeping,
you’ll never sleep again. night
feeds that hungry “I” in you.
take a walk sometime at three
in the morning, let yourself believe
you are the only person left living
in the whole still world, allow your 
reflection to fill up every night-blacked
window like a giant or maybe even a god, 
because every streetlamp you pass under is just
another empty canvas waiting for your shadow,
and your cigarette is the last fire burning
before we all go out.