Sunday, November 14, 2010

the allfather is
all around us
the tree that is pinned to
my shirt
i wipe the smudges away
and count to nine
just like the beatles
just like the end of
the world

Sunday Nights are for Lovers

I throw words around
don't worry I know
I'm an ENTP

'yes, you certainly dominated everything'
Yes, I certainly did

I don't know if you're throwing words around
but I like your words
I open them up like little gifts
tightly knotted sometimes because
I seem to leave you


--full of mucus
tired as hell

ready for snow to fall
from those low, heavy clouds
onto my shoulders

I'll wear it like a blanket
and go the fuck to sleep.
my heart fades
i say goodbye heart
my mind fades
i say goodbye mind

lift me up and place
that grave you dug
i love it's sides
so even
it's depths
you made a perfect six feet

thank you
now lower me

alerin yazzie

I call it eau de navajo
but really it's just cheap vodka
and cheaper orange juice