Tuesday, November 16, 2010

blind man's bluff

biology class, 4th period:
thirty future
gas station attendants
and porcelain sanitation
stick gum on the bottoms
of their desks
because they are under the
impression trash doesn't
exist if they aren't looking
at it

well, I've got to stare at garbage all period

four kids whistle sharply
with their fingers in the back
of the classroom

I ask, "Please stop whistling."
they do not stop whistling,
so I ask, ever so politely
"Excuse me, how fucking old are you?"

they do not stop whistling
(I blame it on self-loathing
and a destructive impulse)
"Hey, man, after school let's burn stuff"

I am bleeding out of my vagina
all over my best pair of underwear

I don't have time for this shit

tomorrow I will inform those four
little songbirds, ever so politely,
that I am a high functioning autistic

and they could keep whistling
they could whistle their way
to an early job at the gas station

only if they wanted, of course

I do love a good game of poker

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