Friday, November 25, 2011

...but the light likes tricks, and time will prove that it wasn't tricking you, it was you all along, a fool, that wanted to be tricked, that could only be tricked, that could only relax, and let go a breath, when everything was exactly as you wanted it, when you understood it, you thought, finally.

A trick to think you could make someone else understand, but no one ever will because no one can. You have to speak so slow, focus all you know, and tell them:

"Let the light show you, there is nothing to know, everything has already been, everything is traveling on a light beam, everything is getting somewhere, and taking you too, the end is far, and our beginning so near."

Say it slow.

i'm twenty one
the days taste like bark paper
i wish i could take you inside
and show you these
bark paper days
or my hands, feeling the clay
or my broken mug, or my dreams,
why i don't scream, violent as they are
but always feel a floating feeling
the same feeling you get
when you get an A on your algebra test

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