Monday, November 8, 2010


do not only seek wisdom
you'll turn into a bitter

because wisdom for wimdom's sake is like
toothache for toothache's sake

my dentist was probably an Anthroposophist
laughing gas makes us forget we are foolish


the chemicals in her brain are all wrong
she keeps adding and subtracting more
the receipt is rolling along the floor

fresh from the most recent asphyxiation
conceptual physics becomes intoxicating
maddening at mirrors, she laments

for a time, a place, alaska
a place without wires or wifi
a place where you can't coordinate sex via txt

blowing up balloons at the zoo

the balloon tied to my wrist was
bought with my life savings
it drags on the ground behind me,
a deflated rubber pet
on a leash
asphyxiated with a ribboned

I have been crying
fifteen minutes

my father's face
is an angry red balloon
he pulls me by the wrist
the veins on his forehead
are translucent,
the plastic color of a birthday party

I ask him,
--please do not pop


a man stood
on a pillar of concrete
and held a tattered Bible
up like a shield
against the masses

he told them
you're all gonna burn,
they tasted blood in the water
and began to scream

Juanless tied a
cherry stem in a knot
with his tongue

My blush was artificial
when Cody closed the blinds
and insisted that we fuck

There were coyote on
the number seven hole
when I recycled the cans
that night


I come across an empty picture
or my brother’s pale face?
What did I lose, between there?

I am turning, I see the dark pit.
an ant’s eye
a dead fruit
stains the earth

playing on my smile, widening it.
An ill night, sucking on the corner of the blanket,
I see the roof bends warm over me.

The rain comes, cold and silver.
Death will come, it will mow its ground,
it will build a ramp to you.

In my fort of hay, I killed a serpent
I placed the body on the hill
and rolled it into the stream.

I had nothing left but
a funny face on

The Sporting Life: an adaptation

At times I'm afraid
that love is like high jump

I try to think of all my details
A half-moon run
small quick step
knee up
arch back
and when it's all over
I sit up cautiously on the yellow foam mat
looking to see if the bar still balances delicately on its wobbly posts
looking to see if I did everything exactly right this time
because I never can tell
until it's all over.