Friday, November 2, 2012

and who ever said you couldn't masturbate to mendelssohn anyway

you want to fuck all your
professors, but more than
anything you want the short 
philosophy adjunct, too angry
to ever get tenure, with his 
slimmed shoulders lifting 
up his head in a fuck-you to
gravity, melon-skull toppling 
on his neck the way whole 
basketballs spin on the tip
of a middle finger--you 
want him reciting

latin to you in the middle of sex, his
body soft and concave as a contact lens, bed
squeaking underneath you like

"e, e, e, 
e pluribus unum"-- look, that's
the only latin you know and you might
have lifted it straight from the back of
a dollar bill but this is your daydream, 
okay, you pretend it's clever and

once-dropped from the mouth of virgil
 if you want. mornings, you pepper names
of long-gone white men into your coffee
instead of gold leaf, wear skirts without
underwear to class (don't cross your legs):

dead languages are 
your aphrodisiac


palm to palm is just a high five
limp and sagging once bemoaned
   magnanimous bros waited at bus stops
for meth or a bored girlfriend or nothing
and kissed like pilgrims
  who missed the exit for Bethlehem and got in a fender bender to boot
barren missile toed bitch stared
and I prayed later
wondering what book she kisses by

tried so hard to scrub the red,
thick hand writing from my thigh

sure the japanese tourists
did not need to know

that i was a
terrible listener
"there are ghosts here"
she lets the words fall heavy upon the room
their tone lending a prolonged silence
a few stifled laughs

and for her,
the reality of an intruder is harder to grasp
than the curse of a burial ground
where spirits rise

to haunt your drunk ass at 3am on a weekday

show me a way

what wrong with you?

i walk around just fine
breathing too

somethings missing
what's missing? 
what's missing? 

what's wrong? 
just a way of being 

nothing to say wrong is it

what's missing? 
no one could deny 

5th Street Exit

dark as whales
great semis ply the freeway
roaring their loneliness

I flit across youtube
sleepless swallow

love and hope pass
like kidney stones

Poetry is for saying what no one has said before

                                                                             That's his name,
                                                                      The poor sweet thing."

                                              -What no one has ever said about a clinical psychologist.