Wednesday, November 2, 2011


from the deep forest and the black-earth provinces,
blue-eyed boys are emerging
following the smoke of the factories
and bonfires of confiscated books

melting down the cathedral bells of Kiev
and forging them into cannon

while the battleship Imperator Aleksandr
dreams its way to Tsushima
beneath the nameless constellations of an
alien hemisphere

could have consulted a thesaurus but

looking at the Wikipedia page
on the “Succubus"
it sounds a lot like me

that’s all

that’s the poem

kaleidoscope eyes

my body is an
optical illusion
from one angle flat
the fucking reason to
be a flesh-and-blood female
and next it expands outwards
a house of mirrors
there short
there tall
I feel like the man in the room of
ten thousand clocks
each a perception of my thigh
my stomach
the back of my neck
some my whole fucking body
They tick away I say
What Time Is It?
what time is it really
tell me
so I can abandon
this disgust I sometimes feel
of having a body at all

make of me a martyr
with yellow jokes springing
from my red hair
take me to your bed
kicking and screaming
I will bleed all over your

I might never grow out
of drunkenly sobbing
under a streetlight
but I can play a mean
sad air bass echoing
handfuls of girls, their

michael stipe, my muse

is on the radio
as I roll another joint
another night
slips through my fingers
burns away to the end

this is out of control
this all feels
out of control

stipe asks me
hey, kid, where are you?
I said something weird on the bus
I am doing my own thing more and
I feel ok about it

It's hard to catch just sound
I'm banking on it slipping from your mind
A whispered reply
is something to think about
come away from quietly dreaming
the unexplored space of the ocean
and the sound from which there is no origin

somewhere there is something
that sleeps in the sea and
when it crawls onto our shores
your possessions will not save you

How to treat a broken leg

Can one become a poet by accident? I'd have said no
before working here, but listen if you dare to intrepid newcomers as they twist our language with ease into insight,
and entirely I fear, unintentional.
How to avoid being struck by lightning? Trow away moble phone.
How to survive an earthquake? stay with strong persons.
How to deal with a charging bull? be away other place.
And lastly, preciously, perfectly, how to treat a broken leg?

Be gentle.