Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A strange, different world. A bizarre pain.

I won't lie down and beg for you
beauty has afforded me
a bitter pride that lowers me
in others eyes.
I'd rather sit alone and free
to think, than dull your heated star (by thought of me)
in my night sky. The only light I see.
The drifting of the Earth
would scarce judge me,
     so why is your pride
     worth more to me?

Yours is a widened road to cross.
Mine is a knowledge of my loss.
Victim to the same inconstance.

Is there no hopeful ending?

When I die,
might you come
to close my eyes?
When you look at me,
       stiff and white,
what will you see?
A (white-skinned) birch that drops its (dark) leaves.
A stream will join them in our cloudless sea.

here we go with the haikus again

dead leaves and sunlight
scattered on the redwood path --
webs brush our faces

the liberal arts


I enjoy your nervous tick
what medications have you been on
I suffer from an anxiety disorder
I cried during the Hangover
because it was so offensive
I can't sit still
I don't like parties
I don't shave my legs
my life is a monologue

end quote
most of the time i just feel frustrated that there is another living breathing human in the same room as me and i am conscious that this is counterproductive to the process of "making friends" but i would prefer to remain in this mindset for as long as possible and in order to do so i require some music that was released in 2003 and all the angst i can muster
now if you'll excuse me

this isn't even a poem what is this

how 'bout instead of teaching children
Everybody Poops
with a book
parents everywhere lock their children
in a college dorm for a month

what horrors
the children will see--
pretty painted toenails
on the dirtiest bathroom floors

it's the quickest most efficient way
to learn that Everybody Poops
because the poopers are NEVER
always the daintiest of toenails
always the most lotiony of legs


she lay panting on his velvety couch,
out of breath
after her ladylike discourse
on the proper method of raising children

her nostrils flared like a skirt
in a tampon commercial

Freud found
himself hopelessly,

strike it with flint
ignite the branch
wave it over your head
illuminate pitch blackness

neatly fold your clothes and leave them in the dirt
make sacrifices in dark ones names. start by:
cupping your hands about the shell of your ears
whistling into the dark and waiting for a returning note

the life of an architecture major

nothing says
quesadillas for dinner every night forever
like sixty bucks worth of concrete
in the trunk of my car

tried and failed

Today Barack Obama took me out to lunch
We went to Panera Bread. I forgot to put on deodorant,
dark gray armpit patches formed and dried, formed and dried

Barack Obama said you've looked better
I said yeah you too

We smiled, sipped sodas
Munched our $9 sandwiches
In an almost contented silence

He was polite, asked me questions
about school, church, home:

"School is challenging, I'm working hard and getting good grades"
"I go to church every Sunday, it helps me to help others"
"I'm so excited to go home for Christmas"

Barack Obama didn't call me out, he just smiled again, almost sadly
The man understands the necessity of lies

Formed and dried, formed and dried
Layers of uncertainty