Tuesday, November 22, 2011

to this night

look through the hole in your head,
see the clouds there.
do you wonder what a thunderstorm feels like
--to be tossed about in
the electric tumult.

walk home
come on eileen

I am wrapped up in chords
my chargers wrapped around my arms
my eyes bloodshot staring at a screen
at the mercy
of these machines
that might show your name
how do i say anything
at this juncture
the crux of our lives
doesn't hinge on this
cage the elephant
can say it for me
'thank you
happy birthday'

rtge poem ws edlkbow

thedn szad
whatever, hormones
today I will feel the least feminine/
the most attractive
for the whole month combined
regardless of anything biological and
cut sleeves off t-shirts and wear
baggy jeans and eyeliner and this
asexual haircut
which makes me feel
so alien--
androgynous and confusing
to everyone
but itself

this is what attempting to write papers on the Bible at 1:00 in the morning looks like


help me Jesus