Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Chapter 1
it can be a model for change, provided
you keep translating when the book
turns out to be gibberish
after all

nonsense marks

so much sunlight, caught in cobwebs
reeds blown to kowtow
by the blades of a helicopter gunship

Chapter 2
no room for cream
the guy grins, rips open
a sugar packet with his teeth
he was in Vietnam but he's okay

Chapter 3
later at the party you meet
such fine juicy people
lovers of music and clothes, you hate
to validate awful Vronsky but
he still deserved Anna

Chapter 4
sip sip stained teeth stained tongue
reflecting on land wars in asia
and your own opus of wasted life
apparently hoping

Chapter 5
for the Alfred Nobel Prize in Reasonable-ness


  1. i have no idea what this means; it seems like it could be some dramatic re-telling of your day. and but so this is some of the coolest language I've seen this month.

  2. YO did you get inspired by my paper HEHEHE

  3. i second jordan. this is cool. i don't know what it means but i'm very ok with that
